Sambhaji Bhide, who was accused in the Bhima Koregaon case, has once again shown his Manuwadi ideology through his act.
When a journalist from Saam TV went to ask him a question, he
replied that first you put Bindi and then I will talk to you.
Many women from across the Maharashtra have expressed their anger on Bhide's
statement and have opposed his Manuvadi mentality.
Rupali Chakankar, President of Maharashtra State Commission
for Women also expressed her anger against Bhide. She tweeted a notice letter
asking Bhide to submit clarification on his statement.
Congress MLA Yashomati Thakur criticized Bhide's statement and said that such kind of behaviour
will not be tolerated in progressive and liberal Maharashtra.
Nationalist Congress leader Supriya Sule shared Heramb
Kulkarni's poem on Twitter which went viral on social media. The Marathi
translation of the first stanza of that poem is "I put tila, you put
bindi, and we sold common sense in this market of traditions".
This is not the first time that Bhide has made such a
nonsense statement. Even before this, he has shown his Manuvadi and Patriarchal
ideology through his illogical statements.
Bhide was one of the accused in the 2018 Bhima Koregaon riot
case. His name was dropped from the chargesheet due to a lack of evidence when
Mahavikas Aghadi was in power.
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