Mumbai, Maharashtra - The Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Mr. Devendra Fadnavis, addressed the media today to discuss the recent threat received by the Shivsena leader and Rajya Sabha MP, Mr. Sanjay Raut.
According to Mr. Fadnavis, the accused in the case has been found and the primary report suggests that he was drunk when he gave the threat to Mr. Raut. The investigation is still ongoing, and more information will be provided as it becomes available.
Responding to Mr. Raut's allegations that he was making fun of the threat, Mr. Fadnavis denied the accusations and reiterated his commitment to the safety and security of all citizens of Maharashtra.
When asked about allegations that the accused had political links, Mr. Fadnavis said that he could not confirm or deny any such links at this point in time. The investigation is still underway, and all possible angles are being looked into.
In terms of steps being taken to ensure the safety and security of Mr. Raut and other leaders, Mr. Fadnavis said that their security had been increased, and the situation was being closely monitored. He assured the people of Maharashtra that their safety and security was the government's top priority and that strict action would be taken against anyone who tried to disrupt the peace and harmony of the state.
Mr. Fadnavis urged everyone to remain calm and cooperate with the authorities during this time.
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