In a major crackdown on illegal gambling, the Wardha police have busted an IPL betting racket in the area. The police have seized 40 mobile phones, 3 laptops, and 2 expensive cars with a total value of 50 lakhs. The illegal gambling operation was allegedly being carried out through these devices during IPL matches. The police have taken swift action against the accused and are investigating the matter further. The residents have expressed their appreciation for the police's efforts in curbing illegal activities in the region.
In a major crackdown on illegal gambling, the Wardha police have busted an IPL betting racket in the area. The police have seized 40 mobile phones, 3 laptops, and 2 expensive cars with a total value of 50 lakhs. The illegal gambling operation was allegedly being carried out through these devices during IPL matches. The police have taken swift action against the accused and are investigating the matter further. The residents have expressed their appreciation for the police's efforts in curbing illegal activities in the region.
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