With the Supreme Court set to pronounce its verdict on the Thackeray case tomorrow, the role of Narhari Zirwal, the Deputy Speaker of Maharashtra Vidhansabha, is coming into sharp focus. The verdict will determine whether 16 rebel MLAs should be disqualified for not following the whip. If the Supreme Court decides that the power to decide on the disqualification of these MLAs rests with the Deputy Speaker, then Narhari Zirwal will be responsible for making this crucial decision.
The outcome of the Thackeray case will have significant consequences for Maharashtra's political landscape, as it could potentially upset the balance of power in the state assembly. As a result, Narhari Zirwal's profile has been rising in recent times, with Google Trends showing an increased interest in his name.
All eyes will be on Narhari Zirwal when the Supreme Court's verdict is announced tomorrow, as he will play a pivotal role in determining the fate of the 16 rebel MLAs. It is a high-stakes decision that could have far-reaching implications for the political fortunes of Maharashtra's ruling parties.
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