Congress leader Milind Deora's abrupt departure from the party has stirred controversy, coinciding with the launch of Rahul Gandhi's Bharat Jodo Nyaya Yatra. Balasaheb Thorat, another Congress leader, expressed dismay, deeming Deora's decision "very unfortunate" and accusing him of intentionally overshadowing the Yatra's significance. Thorat suggested that by resigning on the day of the Yatra kick-off, Deora aimed to obstruct Rahul Gandhi's mission, who covered 6,700 kilometers advocating for justice for the common, poor, and oppressed. Notably, Thorat invoked the late Murali Deora, Milind's father and a senior Congress figure, implying that Murali would disapprove of his son's timing, injecting unexpected tension into the party dynamics.
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