The entertainment world was shaken on Tuesday morning when news broke that actress Mallika Rajput was found dead in her home. The 25-year-old starlet's sudden demise has left fans and colleagues reeling with shock and disbelief.
Investigation Underway: Suicide Suspected
While the cause of death remains undisclosed, authorities are treating the case as a possible suicide. Police have initiated a thorough investigation, delving into all potential factors surrounding Rajput's untimely passing. An autopsy has been conducted, though the results are yet to be made public.
Rajput, known for her roles in numerous popular films, had amassed a significant following in her relatively brief career. The news of her death has prompted an outpouring of condolences on social media platforms, with fans and fellow industry professionals expressing their grief and paying tribute to her memory.
As the investigation unfolds, many await further details surrounding the circumstances of Rajput's tragic demise.
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