In a shocking turn of events, Ganpat Gaikwad, a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA, and his son Vaibhav were apprehended by the Kalyan police. The arrests come after a tense search following their alleged involvement in firing at the Hill Line police station in Ulhasnagar. The duo had been evading law enforcement since the incident unfolded.
Community Outrage and Calls for Action
The arrest of the MLA and his son has ignited widespread outrage within the local community. Six additional individuals have also been detained in connection with the case. The motive behind the gunfire is currently under investigation by the authorities.
The situation has escalated to the point where some members of the community are demanding Ganpat Gaikwad's resignation from his position as MLA. Others, however, are advocating for a fair trial to determine the facts surrounding the incident.
Presently, Ganpat Gaikwad's state of mind is of concern, as he is reportedly refusing to eat and may require counseling. The ongoing investigation aims to shed light on the events leading up to the gunfire and determine any underlying motives.
The arrests have sent shockwaves through the local political landscape, prompting discussions about accountability and the role of elected officials in upholding the law. As the investigation unfolds, the community remains vigilant, awaiting further developments in this troubling case.
In the meantime, the Kalyan police continue their efforts to gather evidence and piece together the events of that fateful day at the Hill Line police station in Ulhasnagar.
Also Read - BJP MLA Ganpat Gaikwad and Five Others Remanded to Judicial Custody in Ulhasnagar Shooting Case
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