Students in Pune have been protesting for three days against the decision to hold two important exams on the same day. The exams are the IBPS exam and the MPSC State Service Combined Preliminary Exam. The students believe this decision is unfair because it makes it hard for them to prepare and perform well in both exams.
Students Demand Exam Rescheduling
The protesting students are asking the government to reschedule the exams so they don’t have to take both on the same day. They have been peacefully protesting, without causing any damage to property. However, the situation became tense when police and students clashed during the protest. Some students have accused the police of using too much force to break up the crowds.
The protest has also caused traffic jams in Pune, making it difficult for people to move around the city. Despite the ongoing protest, the government has not yet responded to the students’ demands. Many news outlets are covering the protest, bringing more attention to the issue.
Uncertainty About the Protest’s Future
The students are hoping that their protest will make the government take action and reschedule the exams. They want to raise awareness about their problem and get support from others. It is still unclear how long the protest will continue, but the students are determined to fight for what they believe is fair.
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