The Indian nationalist movement in the early days was
dominated by the intellectuals who sharply criticized the British colonial government.
Justice Ranade was one of such intellectual who influenced the generations of
freedom fighters in the 19th century.
He served as a professor in Bombay University and Elphinstone college. He then joined Bombay
High Court as a Judge. He was also the member of legislative council. So this multifaceted
personality tried to help the society in various ways.
and his thoughts on society
He had a major role in creating nationalist consciousness
before the foundation of Indian National Congress. He was the founding member
of various organizations like Sarvajanik Sabha, Deccan Association, Bombay
Association and East India Association. Justice Ranande was the backbone of the
Indian National Congress.
Ranande thinks that the religious reforms are the driving
force behind the overall development of the society. Thats why he joined
Prarthana Samaj and theistic conference to reform the Hindu religion. He was a
supporter of industrialization. He thinks that the poor country like India
would only be developed through the industrial revolution like the Britain.
Ranade had provided a proper direction to the nationalist
movement. He knew that if we want to fight this mighty British rule it would be
only through the peaceful means. He criticized the Government for its economical
exploitation of India. Hence we can say that Ranade provided a channel to the early nationalist through
which they could express their dissent about the colonial Government.
and his thoughts on individual freedom
From the beginning Ranade was a staunch supporter of the
right of individual freedom. He thinks that man has the capability to decide
what is right and what is wrong. So one must not be allow anyone to decide
their fate. Hence he was against the customs and religious rituals that were
prevalent in the society.
He wanted to make society free from this rituals and beliefs
which were making them more backward and acting as hindrance in the development
of modern society. We should not allow religion to decide our life, it is our
one conscious mind which would decide what is right for us.
Ranade also freely expressed his thoughts about the religious
backwardness of the society. He said that we should not limit ourselves to the
rules and the regulations made by the religious texts. He was also a great
supporter of the Bhakti movement. He said that Bhakti movement was the modern
revolution in the religious life of Indians. Bhakti saints rejected the
compulsion of Sanskrit language, black magic, Rituals, Yoga, Karma etc.
on the Equality
Ranade said that freedom and equality are complementary to
each other. While enjoying the freedom we should keep in mind that there should
not be any restriction on the freedom of other members of society. Ranade said
that the Hindu religion is full of inequality. The caste system is major
hindrance in the development of just and equal society.
He promoted
Bhagwat-Dharma instead of Yogmarga and Dyanmarg. Yogmarga and the
Dyanmarga could not be practiced by the Shudras and also not feasible for the
common people. Bhagwat-Dharma follows the doctrine of equality.
While expressing his thoughts on equality he didn’t forget
to think about the freedom of women. According to him women should participate
in all the activities which are traditionally male dominated. Their place in
society should be limited only as a wives and mothers.
on the Politics
Ranade was a supporter of democratic system of Governance.
He thinks that the overall development of the society is not possible in the authoritarian
system. He did not like the system of system of princely states which were
existed before the British colonial rule.
He said that there should be a complete separation of power
between the Judiciary and the Government. There should be enough
representatives from the public in the Government. The British Government gradually
increased the number of representatives in the central legislative assembly.
Ranade supported this and also demanded more number of elected members in the
central and the provincial legislative councils.
Although he supported the individual freedom it didn’t meant
that he was against the interfere of Government in the social life of people.
He said that law has a power to change the centuries old customs and
traditions. It was moral duty of the Government to make laws that are
beneficial for the society.
When British Government took measure like removing the ban on
the widow remarriage, making laws against the Sati and child marriage it was
Ranade who first came in support of the British Government.
on the British Economic policies
According to Ranade the Government is also responsible for
the development of economy. He had written down all his thoughts about the
Economy of India. He said that the Economic principles in Britain are not
applicable in the poor country like India. He said that only Industrial
Revolution can bring the India into the line of progress.
Industrialization would help Indians in adopting the modern
technologies in agriculture and other works. Ranade had studied the development
process in many modern countries and came with his own theory about the
industrialization in India.
and the moderate ideology
Ranade always supported the constitutional ways to present
the demands before the British Government. In the beginning the Congress was
dominated by the moderate leaders under the leadership of Justice Ranade.
Constitutional and the peaceful method would one day persuade
the British Government to accept their demands. It would be very easy for the
mighty British empire to crush down any violent movement of the freedom
Moderates also believed in the gradual development of the
society. According to them it takes time for the society to get familiar with
the new developments. Moderates gave evidences from the Shastras and Vedas
about how progressive and egalitarian the Indian society was. Moderates under
the leadership of Justice Ranade played a major role in implementing the social
Ranade also promoted education among the masses. He thinks
only education could bring drastic changes in the society. He helped in the
foundation of many educational institutions in Maharashtra and India.
Justice Ranade is remembered in Indian history not only as
freedom fighter but also a great social thinker who was among the first to
promote liberalism in India.
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