In a heartbreaking incident, a 15-year-old boy named Kisan Patel lost his life in Bhiwandi when a slab collapsed in his house. This tragic accident has caused immense sorrow and anger in the local community.
A Family's Grief and the Call for Justice
Kisan’s mother is devastated by the loss of her son. She blames the building owner for not repairing the slab on time. According to her, this isn’t the first time such an incident has happened. In a previous slab collapse in the same building, Kisan's mother was injured. Despite these dangers, the building owner, who is a former BJP corporator, did not take any action to fix the building, even after the family repeatedly requested repairs.
Kisan’s mother strongly believes that if the repairs had been made on time, her son would still be alive today. Her words have sparked outrage among the local residents, who are demanding justice for Kisan and his family.
The Investigation and Community Outcry
The Bhoiwada police station has registered a case of accidental death and is currently investigating the matter. This incident has drawn attention to the poor condition of many buildings in Bhiwandi. The local community is calling for the authorities to take immediate action to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future.
The tragic death of Kisan Patel serves as a painful reminder of the dangers posed by neglected buildings. The local community hopes that this incident will lead to stricter safety measures and prompt building repairs to ensure that no more lives are lost due to such preventable accidents.
This is a developing story, and further updates are expected as the investigation continues. The community’s grief and anger are palpable, and they are determined to seek justice for Kisan.
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