A tragic accident happened in Nandurbar, Maharashtra, when a driver lost his life after suffering a heart attack while driving his car. The driver, who was from Gujarat, had been driving through the city when the sudden heart attack occurred. Sadly, the situation became even worse when the car he was driving went out of control and hit four people on the road.
Two of the four people who were hit by the car died due to the injuries they suffered in the accident. The other two were seriously injured and were in a lot of pain. The accident shocked everyone who saw it, as it was unexpected and very sad.
The police were quickly called to the scene of the accident. They made sure to take the injured people to a nearby hospital as soon as possible so they could get the medical help they needed. The police are also looking into the accident to find out more about how it happened and to make sure everything is understood clearly.
The driver who had the heart attack did not survive, and it was a very sad day for his family. The families of the people who were hit by the car are also mourning their loved ones who passed away in this tragic accident. Those who were injured are being treated, and everyone is hoping that they recover soon.
This accident reminds us all of how unexpected and tragic life can be. It also shows how important it is to drive safely and be careful on the road. The people in Nandurbar and Gujarat are deeply saddened by what happened, and everyone is sending their thoughts and prayers to the families affected by this terrible accident.
This story of the Nandurbar Accident News is a reminder to always cherish our loved ones and to be mindful of the dangers that can happen at any time.
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